Monday, September 12, 2011


Hey everyone!

I moved to a new place about a month ago. Since then I've been setting my home (furniture and all that!) and I noticed there were some old lamps, quite ugly actually. So I decided to "make" some new ones. I bought some simple white lamps at IKEA and then I doodled all over them, this is the final result:

(this one is not finished yet, so is still a work in progress, wait to see the final result!)

(and here is the lamp before being doodled! and the old lamp that I do not like)

So, what do you think guys? Do you like it? Fell free to send some feedback.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Do you fancy watermelon?

Yesterday I saw this on my way to the supermarket. I thought it was so cute that I took some pictures so you could see it too!


Hi, everyone! 

This is my new blog - DOODLE THIS! This blog is all about me and my life. What I like and do not like; my work, hobbies and other stuff. I'm all about crafts, handmade things, photography, design, illustration, art and diversity. So, if you like this things too, please join me! 
Feel free to comment and give your opinion!

tchau for now!!